Story Approach in Action: Stronger Messaging to Drive Sales (Part 4)

Do you have too many visitors who never click "add to cart"? The Story Approach helps you focus on your target audience — and discover the key points of differentiation that are going to get that audience excited to buy. The end result is a stronger, more unique, memorable brand promise – that can ...

Story Approach in Action: Stronger Messaging to Drive Sales (Part 4)2023-06-20T16:35:24+00:00

The Story Approach: a more persuasive copy strategy for a stronger brand (part 3)

Have you tried the “Story Approach” as a Messaging Strategy? (It has nothing to do with testimonials if that’s what you’re thinking . . .) It’s an approach for crafting more persuasive sales copy that’s driven by your answers to 7 key questions. Formulating the answers to those questions helps you create your brand ...

The Story Approach: a more persuasive copy strategy for a stronger brand (part 3)2023-06-13T18:59:16+00:00

What Could Your Sales Message be Missing? (copy strategy, part 2)

Not giving your copy enough attention?  Why not switch things up and test some new additions that might keep the persuasiveness of your message from going missing  . . . Enhance Your Sales Message with These 6 Persuasive Additions What “tweaks” could you make or suggest to your messaging to make it more persuasive? ...

What Could Your Sales Message be Missing? (copy strategy, part 2)2023-10-30T17:10:11+00:00

How to create the right copy strategy to appeal to your audience, part 1

How does copy become more compelling? One way is to be more specific to your audience with your messages. And that means a smarter message strategy – a clearer direction as to what points your sales message should hit. Every audience doesn’t have the same concerns. And every product or service doesn’t face the ...

How to create the right copy strategy to appeal to your audience, part 12024-02-26T18:05:38+00:00

Don’t Set Your Designers Up for Marketing Failure — or a Battle

There had been a heated discussion between the designer and the sales consultant. The designer produced a cover concept that would be used for a brochure, a presentation, and potentially on the new Home page of the client's website. The company was introducing a new product to the medical market that had two significant ...

Don’t Set Your Designers Up for Marketing Failure — or a Battle2023-05-04T18:00:18+00:00

Does Your Content Team Understand Their Real Roles?

You may be paying a content team to create a steady stream of content – that’s wonderful IF you and they understand the three critical reasons why you’re creating that content: To drive more Organic traffic To drive visitors to the next step you want them to take (to an Offer page or a ...

Does Your Content Team Understand Their Real Roles?2023-01-16T20:27:53+00:00

Is Your Marketing Automation Forgetting the Customer Messaging?

I see that a lot of marketing departments are “trying to do more with less.”  They’re outsourcing tactics, automating what they can, and just trying to get projects done. Essentially, a lot of marketing departments are in “production mode” – just trying to get the next project or tactic crossed off their “to do” ...

Is Your Marketing Automation Forgetting the Customer Messaging?2023-01-09T20:50:16+00:00

11 Website Copy Tips: The 12 Days of Digital Marketing Planning

On the eleventh day of digital marketing planning, your boss will ask of you: “ELEVEN Copywriting Review Points . . . TEN Content Marketing Questions  . . . NINE Lead Generation Strategies  . . . EIGHT Google Ads PPC Success Secrets  . . .  SEVEN Email Guidelines  . . .  SIX Website Improvements  . ...

11 Website Copy Tips: The 12 Days of Digital Marketing Planning2023-02-28T19:42:43+00:00

Pros and Cons of Some Popular Content and Copywriting Ideas

Have you heard (or given) these copywriting suggestions to help improve your content? Some are absolutely the way to write effective copy – but only if your copywriting team understands how to implement them. Other content ideas are very difficult to implement effectively. “Make it more conversational” A few years ago, I had an agency ...

Pros and Cons of Some Popular Content and Copywriting Ideas2024-08-17T16:09:14+00:00

How much Content do you need?

How disappointed are you when you click on a link promising information about a particular topic, only to find very basic or too little information? When you promise valuable Content, be sure you deliver. Don’t short-change your audience by not delivering on your intriguing headline or link. Be sure to give them enough information ...

How much Content do you need?2023-08-29T17:35:56+00:00

5 Strategic Decisions to Make Before You Write or Revise a Page on Your Lead Generation Website

You’re launching a new product or service for which you need to generate leads. Or maybe you’re trying to improve existing pages. You’ve talked about features and benefits with your team. If you stop there, you’ve only done 10% of your strategic preparation. Both managers directing the effort and creative resources drafting the content ...

5 Strategic Decisions to Make Before You Write or Revise a Page on Your Lead Generation Website2022-08-03T17:36:44+00:00

7 Steps to Improve Every Blog Post Before You Hit “Publish”

One of my clients is using an online service to find writers to produce blog posts. Maybe you’ve thought about that option as well. The posts are decent drafts to start with, but are far from polished and ready for our audience. Fortunately, all of the writers do have English as their first language ...

7 Steps to Improve Every Blog Post Before You Hit “Publish”2024-03-11T19:50:40+00:00

How the Story Approach Can Take Your Digital Copy to the Next Persuasive Level

As a copywriter, I'm always wondering if my copy could be more effectively written. Could there be a copy "formula" I haven't tried that would ...

How the Story Approach Can Take Your Digital Copy to the Next Persuasive Level2023-05-23T19:03:48+00:00

Are You Using PPC to Test Your Copy?

PPC advertising is a great Testing vehicle. You can test headlines, individual words within your headlines, descriptions, benefits, and Offers. In usually a very short time, you can find the best options to use throughout your marketing. And when you keep testing, you keep learning and continuously improving your results. Even if you’re not managing ...

Are You Using PPC to Test Your Copy?2021-06-28T18:46:28+00:00

How Website Copy Can Draw the Reader in Visually

Copy on your website has a visual component that affects its ability to get read. And it’s the job of the copywriter to create copy that draws the reader in, not only by the words, by also visually. When you write or review copy, here are the visual elements of copy to consider: Key points ...

How Website Copy Can Draw the Reader in Visually2021-06-15T19:24:06+00:00

Is Your Website and Email Copy “Conversational”?

Have you heard that copy should be "conversational"? Do you know what that looks like? Conversational copy reads exactly the way you’d say it out loud So the best test of whether your copy is conversational or not is to read it out loud.  It should sound exactly the way you'd say it if you ...

Is Your Website and Email Copy “Conversational”?2021-04-14T18:04:57+00:00

How to Write Copy to Motivate Prospects through Your Sales Funnel

Are you still relying on AIDA — Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action — to help guide your sales funnel messaging? AIDA is said to represent the stages that a prospect goes through before making a purchase. I still hear copywriters, even copywriters trained in direct marketing, refer to using AIDA.  AIDA is perhaps a very ...

How to Write Copy to Motivate Prospects through Your Sales Funnel2023-03-17T23:09:40+00:00

6 Tests to Evaluate Your Headlines

Headlines usually determine whether your web page, direct mail, print ad or email message will be a success or not. It’s the headline that either draws the reader into the copy — or doesn’t give the reader a reason to read further. Why are some headlines less than effective — while others totally grab the ...

6 Tests to Evaluate Your Headlines2021-03-27T17:58:15+00:00

4 Tests of Website Copy that SELLS!

How can you evaluate your copywriting?  Use our  4-Point Test  You’ve drafted your website, email, print ad, or direct mail copy using the Six Steps in the Sales Process for Effective Copywriting.  And you’ve crafted an effective headline using the 6 Tests of Effective Headlines. What about the actual words?  Here’s a 4-Point Test to evaluate your ...

4 Tests of Website Copy that SELLS!2021-03-27T23:05:28+00:00

When to Bend the Rules of Grammar in Sales Copy

“Gee, that sales copy isn’t even grammatically correct . . .” Good copy is written the way people speak. Most of us usually speak in simple language. And usually in relatively short sentences. That type of copywriting is very easy to get through for the average reader. However . . . our speech is ...

When to Bend the Rules of Grammar in Sales Copy2023-02-28T20:22:42+00:00

How to Write Great Email Marketing Copy

What makes great email marketing copy?  When you prepare your next promotional email message, be sure it meets these 7 key tests: 1. Compelling Email Subject Line Create a subject line that delivers a strong reason to open or read the message.  Promise a benefit, the “what’s in it for me.”  This is a key ...

How to Write Great Email Marketing Copy2021-03-27T23:20:46+00:00
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