About Karen J. Marchetti

Website SEO and Direct Marketing Copywriter, Offer and Lead Generation Strategist. Karen has generated stellar Internet Marketing and Direct Mail Marketing RESULTS for a Range of Clients, including: 1) 67% boost in online guest accounts for OKBridge.com; 2) 60% response to an online survey for Luce Forward; 3) 22% response for Union Bank; 4) Direct mail for Qualcomm that boosted sales response by 25 times; 5) Email Nurturing Series that doubled sales for LostGolfBalls.com; 6) New Email Series for Software company that boosted click-through by 3 times. Contact Karen at 760-479-0012.

To Get the Most from Your Digital Marketing, Add Direct Mail!

Direct mail response is surprisingly stronger than ever. If you think direct mail is dead, or direct mail is a pre-digital relic that's no longer effective, you couldn't be more wrong. Forbes reports that the surge in direct mail response is due, in part, to less competition — and digital fatigue. Less competition ...

To Get the Most from Your Digital Marketing, Add Direct Mail!2025-02-27T00:32:53+00:00

6 Tests to Evaluate Your Headlines

Headlines usually determine whether your web page, direct mail, print ad or email message will be a success or not. It’s the headline that either draws the reader into the copy — or doesn’t give the reader a reason to read further. Why are some headlines less than effective — while others totally grab the ...

6 Tests to Evaluate Your Headlines2021-03-27T17:58:15+00:00

4 Tests of Website Copy that SELLS!

How can you evaluate your copywriting?  Use our  4-Point Test  You’ve drafted your website, email, print ad, or direct mail copy using the Six Steps in the Sales Process for Effective Copywriting.  And you’ve crafted an effective headline using the 6 Tests of Effective Headlines. What about the actual words?  Here’s a 4-Point Test to evaluate ...

4 Tests of Website Copy that SELLS!2025-02-10T19:53:22+00:00

How Integrated are Your Digital and Offline Marketing Activities? Take the Quiz

Do you really tie all of your marketing activities together as much as you could? Cuisinart ran print ads targeting 20-somethings, featuring good-looking guys and babes having a party. The headline was “When the burgers and ‘ritas are as good as the gossip!” No landing page was listed, just “cuisinart.com for great recipes.” When you got to ...

How Integrated are Your Digital and Offline Marketing Activities? Take the Quiz2022-04-14T21:36:03+00:00

Copywriting for the Web:  9 Key Elements for Great Copy that SELLS

“No one reads a web page with a lot of copy on it. I can’t believe that web pages should be written the way you’d write a sales letter.” Actually . . . Visitors to your web site won’t read POORLY WRITTEN copy — or copy that LOOKS difficult to get through. But people are NOT PERSUADED ...

Copywriting for the Web:  9 Key Elements for Great Copy that SELLS2021-03-27T23:04:04+00:00

Why Your Website Offers Don’t Engage 98% of Prospects

Which is the largest group of visitors to your website?  It’s likely to be prospects — especially prospects who visit only once. Studies continue to find that over 98% of prospects to a website never leave a trace — no registration, no comments, no completion of the “contact us” form — nothing.  (And you should ...

Why Your Website Offers Don’t Engage 98% of Prospects2021-03-27T23:14:02+00:00

When to Bend the Rules of Grammar in Sales Copy

“Gee, that sales copy isn’t even grammatically correct . . .” Good copy is written the way people speak. Most of us usually speak in simple language. And usually in relatively short sentences. That type of copywriting is very easy to get through for the average reader. However . . . our speech is ...

When to Bend the Rules of Grammar in Sales Copy2023-02-28T20:22:42+00:00

10- Point Roadmap to Maximize Website Results

When your objective is to generate measurable, trackable leads — or to sell direct — be sure your website (and your marketing team) is equipped with these proven results generators: The Right STRATEGIC Direction: 1.  Clearly answer “why I should buy yours (or respond, or donate)” About 90% of ads, direct mail, and websites ...

10- Point Roadmap to Maximize Website Results2023-03-20T18:08:24+00:00

How to Write Great Email Marketing Copy

What makes great email marketing copy?  When you prepare your next promotional email message, be sure it meets these 7 key tests: 1. Compelling Email Subject Line Create a subject line that delivers a strong reason to open or read the message.  Promise a benefit, the “what’s in it for me.”  This is a key ...

How to Write Great Email Marketing Copy2021-03-27T23:20:46+00:00
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